Discovering Spiritual Awareness in Everyday Life

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory (part 9)

It was always calm and peaceful while my guides were channeling to me. Their words felt right to my heart. Their healing energies comforted my soul. The more I listened to them, the more I learned. And I was so grateful to be their student. I looked forward to learning my lessons. Then again, nothing physical was required of me when I sat in that chair; other than writing, I didn’t have to do anything.

All of that changed the moment I put my notebook away, however. It was one thing to learn about awareness through the act of channeling. It was something entirely different to see what Spirit’s words looked like in real life. And I didn’t even have to leave home before the lessons in my notebook transformed into multiple, tangible, physical realities.

Tests happened no matter where I was or what I was doing. And Spirit was creative; they assumed many different forms: a disquieting conversation, an unexpected letter in the mailbox, a flood in the basement… Looking back I realize that there weren’t any pop quizzes, although at the time it didn’t feel that way. It seemed as though unannounced tests were coming from every corner of the universe. But now I know that wasn’t the case. Spirit always let me know when a test was coming. There would be an announcement; the universe would always send me a sign or a symbol. An answer would find me so I would be equipped to answer the question.

When I was in a receptive state of mind, when my heart was open to knowing the truth, I recognized Spirit’s voice. But when I allowed anxiety, frustration or doubt to play tricks on me, it was a different story. I forgot that everything other than love was an illusion. I experienced a temporary identity crisis; I forgot that I wasn’t alone.

Every channeling session was an opportunity to expand my mind. Every physical test that found me, every challenge in disguise, was an opportunity for me to stretch my soul. And whether I passed the test or not, Spirit always sent love to me. My teachers always reminded me to love myself while I was learning.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory (part 8)

My answer was right in front of me; it had nothing to do with Thomas. But I wasn’t ready to see it , so I was unable to know the truth. It would take another two years before I was quiet enough to allow my answer to surface from my soul. Until then, I went in circles; I focused on the problem. And the more I focused on it, the worse it became.

Probably the most interesting aspect of this project was the way it unfolded. Spirit had a plan. But I was too close to the big picture to see it. I was concentrating on the details, listening, learning, writing and revising the things I had written. Did I mention how this book was produced? I did it the old fashioned way–journal style- with a legal pad in my lap and a pen in my hand. On average I went through twenty legal pads per chapter. I didn’t realize it until after the fact, but one day I remembered something. This was the studying method I had used in high school. I would write things over and over again in order to memorize them. Where did all of this writing happen? Every once in a while I had to deviate from my routine, but mostly I took dictation in the living room. Spirit spoke to me, while I sat in an old brown recliner that squeaked when I put the foot rest up.

When the spiritual information stopped coming, I knew the test wasn’t far away. Writing the lesson down was one thing. Applying it to my life was another. It looked easy on paper, but abstract metaphysical concepts weren’t always easy to recognize in the physical world.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory (part 7)

Another story stands out in my mind. It happened a long time ago, while I was working on the energy chapter. I was in the kitchen. My then two-year-old son, Thomas, was in the living room. He was watching TV, while I was making lunch for him. Somehow, when I wasn’t looking, he had managed to unlock the front door and run away. Fortunately, I heard the door close behind him. But by the time I had reached the end of the driveway, he had run to the corner.

It was a cold, rainy spring day. I was chasing my son barefoot because I didn’t have time to put my shoes on. Thomas was screaming. Neighbors were staring. And I was sure that the woman who I had seen talking on a cell phone, was now reporting me to the police. Somehow I caught up with Thomas and carried him home in the pouring rain. He was kicking and screaming the entire time.

When I reached our driveway, I remembered that I had an appointment. So I grabbed a pair of shoes and put Thomas, who was crying hysterically at this point, in his car seat. After I fastened his seat belt, I sat down in the front seat and closed my eyes to calm my nerves. Then I made myself breathe, and while I was breathing, I prayed for guidance and patience.

This kind of thing had happened before. In fact, it was happening every day. I was sleep deprived, depressed, stressed out and at my wit’s end. I didn’t have any coping skills left. I wasn’t handling this situation very well. I needed to figure out what to do.

As I was backing out of the driveway, I turned on the radio. I had tuned in to the perfect song at the perfect time. The music calmed me down. The words warmed my heart–”There will be an answer, let it be.”

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory (part 6)

There were nine lessons to learn in the name of truth, and I learned them one by one, a little at a time. Spirit found a way to teach me whatever I needed to know, no matter where I was or what I was doing. I learned about intuition while I was baking my first lemon meringue pie. I learned about signs and symbols, while I was repairing a twenty-year-old sweater. I learned about spiritual transformation while I was painting my living room. And I really did have revelations while I was cleaning out the refrigerator.

The spiritual messages I received were profound. What amazed me was how clear they were–how whatever was happening around me was directly related to whatever was happening within my soul. I came to realize that everything in my life held meaning. I learned that there are no random events, that everything happens at a specific time for a particular reason. This is one of the most important things I have ever learned; it led me to my life’s work.

The chapters wrote themselves. Definitions of spiritual concepts came first and, for the most part, fast. Sometimes they were channeled in rhyme. Sometimes they assumed the form of a passage from a text book. But they always flowed, and as they flowed I felt the energy they held. My soul felt the vibrations behind the letters and words, sentences and paragraphs. Even if they didn’t make sense to my mind at first, they made sense to my heart. Something inside me knew that what I was writing was the truth.

Spirit had a plan, although I was oblivious to the details. There was no outline to this book, nothing tangible to guide me. I worked on one chapter at a time, without knowing what the next chapter would be. Each chapter was like a mini-guidebook; it had its own production timetable. The time it took to write it was directly dependent upon how long it took for me to learn whatever spiritual principle Spirit was teaching me. Some chapters were written in a very short time and needed very little revising. Others took years to write; I had to learn the same lesson repeatedly, in every area of my life, until I was able to put it into words. Regardless of how long it took to write each piece, I always knew it when was time to start a new chapter. A test would always come and if I passed it, I knew I could move on to the next subject. Then Spirit would find a clever way to make that subject known.

What lessons did I learn exactly? There were so many, too many to name. I can give you the short list, though. I learned every lesson I wrote about: intuition, the components of spiritual awareness, how to interpret signs and symbols and dreams, how to transform energy, spiritual transformation, transition… There was never a dull moment while I was learning about spiritual awareness. I can honestly say that during the twelve years I was working on this project, I don’t ever remember being bored.

There were times when I wasn’t able to write about the things I was learning. I was so physically engaged in the lesson, that I wasn’t able to see it from a higher perspective at first. More than once I asked Spirit to help me see things more clearly. I remember one time in particular when I asked Spirit to show me the truth. While I was driving, I was unable to see the road signs that were in ahead of me. Everything was a blur; I wanted to know why. The next day a lens fell out of my glasses. I couldn’t wear them; I had to navigate without them. For an entire day, I could only see things that were directly in front of me. Everything else was out of focus.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory (part 5)

Trust was something I needed to learn. It didn’t come easily; there was always a process involved. But, this was an “either/or” situation. Either I trusted the truths Spirit was whispering to me, or I didn’t. Either I was channeling, or I wasn’t. There was no meeting Spirit half-way as far as this project was concerned. It was a partnership, and in order to partner with my highest self, I needed to completely trust the process.

As long as I let Spirit speak, the words flowed. Pages and pages of spiritual insights were given to me. But there were also times when channeling couldn’t happen, times when I was standing in Spirit’s way. Those were the moments when doubt, frustration, impatience…got the best of me, and if you were to look at my first journal you would be able to identify them. You would see where I had crossed out words or put question marks next to phrases that didn’t make sense at the time. You would see where the session ended, that Spirit had no choice but to stop speaking because I had stopped listening.

In those days there were more moments of doubt than there were moments of trust. My notebook was a reflection of my life.

Every channeling session was a unique experience. Spirit had a specific plan every day–a lesson that would not only show up in a notebook, but in my life as well. I would write and then Spirit would put a metaphysical spin on the words. I would say things like. “I can’t believe every store in the universe has run out of black hair color; and Spirit would say, “Maybe you need to lighten up.” I would say, I don’t understand why my client is so afraid to move forward; and Spirit would say, “Yes, you do.” “What is your biggest fear?”

It never failed; the answer was always in my question. All I needed to do was look at it from a higher place, through Spirit’s eyes. All I needed to do was be the student–ready, willing and open to learning the truth.

While I was learning how to channel, I was also learning how to go with the flow in my life. This was something I had not yet mastered, something I wanted to learn. I never thought of myself as a controlling person; I never tried to control people. But I did unknowingly control my own life. I held myself back from opportunities. I stood in my own way. I carried my childhood with me wherever I went without realizing it–years and years and years of abuse. You wouldn’t think that something that happened so long ago could still affect you. But it did. It affected me. It affected everything.

Channeling was not something I could control; it was something that just happened. And when I had become comfortable with my daily writing exercise, Spirit was finding me everywhere– even when I wasn’t holding a pen in my hand. It would happen while I was walking. It would happen while I was folding laundry. It would happen while I was making chocolate chip cookies. Spirit found me whenever I was quiet.

Some of my most profound revelations have occurred while I was doing the most ordinary, mindless things–amazing, life-changing, soul-stretching epiphanies.

I’m not exactly sure when the book started to write itself. But I know it was an extension of my journal-writing. My first notebook was filled with bits and pieces of spiritual information: definitions of spiritual concepts, eleven laws of energy (a.k.a. “The Law of Attraction”)…outlines of things that would be fleshed out over time. At one point my guides gave me an interesting collection of words and told me I would be writing a book around them. They found me in the most ordinary way; at the time I had no idea what they meant. The words? “When the Spirit Speaks”: “Silent Voices of the Soul.”

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory (part 4)

Trust was something I needed to learn. It didn’t come easily; there was always a process involved. But, this was an “either/or” situation. Either I trusted the truths Spirit was whispering to me, or I didn’t. Either I was channeling, or I wasn’t. There was no meeting Spirit half-way as far as this project was concerned. It was a partnership, and in order to partner with my highest self, I needed to completely trust the process.

As long as I let Spirit speak, the words flowed. Pages and pages of spiritual insights were given to me. But there were also times when channeling couldn’t happen, times when I was standing in Spirit’s way. Those were the moments when doubt, frustration, impatience…got the best of me, and if you were to look at my first journal you would be able to identify them. You would see where I had crossed out words or put question marks next to phrases that didn’t make sense at the time. You would see where the session ended, that Spirit had no choice but to stop speaking because I had stopped listening.

In those days there were more moments of doubt than there were moments of trust. My notebook was a reflection of my life.

Every channeling session was a unique experience. Spirit had a specific plan every day–a lesson that would not only show up in a notebook, but in my life as well. I would write and then Spirit would put a metaphysical spin on the words. I would say things like. “I can’t believe every store in the universe has run out of black hair color; and Spirit would say, “Maybe you need to lighten up.” I would say, I don’t understand why my client is so afraid to move forward; and Spirit would say, “Yes, you do.” “What is your biggest fear?”

It never failed; the answer was always in my question. All I needed to do was look at it from a higher place, through Spirit’s eyes. All I needed to do was be the student–ready, willing and open to learning the truth.

While I was learning how to channel, I was also learning how to go with the flow in my life. This was something I had not yet mastered, something I wanted to learn. I never thought of myself as a controlling person; I never tried to control people. But I did unknowingly control my own life. I held myself back from opportunities. I stood in my own way. I carried my childhood with me wherever I went without realizing it–years and years and years of abuse. You wouldn’t think that something that happened so long ago could still affect you. But it did. It affected me. It affected everything.

Channeling was not something I could control; it was something that just happened. And when I had become comfortable with my daily writing exercise, Spirit started to speak to me when I wasn’t holding a pen in my hand. It would happen while I was walking. It would happen while I was folding laundry. It would happen while I was making chocolate chip cookies. Spirit found me whenever I was quiet.

Some of my most profound revelations have occurred while I was doing the most ordinary, mindless things–amazing, life-changing, soul-stretching epiphanies.

I’m not exactly sure when the book started to write itself. But I know it was an extension of my journal-writing. My first notebook was filled with bits and pieces of spiritual information: definitions of spiritual concepts, eleven laws of energy (a.k.a. “The Law of Attraction”)…outlines of things that would be fleshed out over time. At one point my guides gave me an interesting collection of words and told me I would be writing a book around them. They found me in the most ordinary way; at the time I had no idea what they meant. The words? “When the Spirit Speaks”: “Silent Voices of the Soul.”

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory (part 3)

My morning routine was something I looked forward to as much as having my first cup of coffee. I always wondered what I’d be writing about. Sometimes it seemed like there would be nothing to say about my life. But I wrote anyway. Many times I wrote about how grateful I was to be having a cup of coffee in silence, to be enjoying a quiet moment alone while everyone else in the house slept. Then ideas suddenly came into my head. I looked out the window and watched the sky gradually lighten from black to gray to blue. I listened to the birds singing in the trees and watched the squirrels climb up the dogwood tree as if they were playing some kind of game. Poetry took shape in my mind as I looked out the window. Words came. I wrote them down. Then Spirit took my hand and gave me a glimpse of what I was seeing from a Higher Perspective, from a metaphorical point of view.

As a poet, I have always seen life as a metaphor. That’s just the way my mind has always worked. I have always seen things from the perspective of an objective observer, someone who is standing across the room, viewing things from a distance. At the same time, I have always felt life very deeply. I have always been deeply sensitive to the people and things around me. You name it and I can feel it; my greatest strength is my biggest weakness.

Writing put me in a meditative state of mind. It quieted the noise and allowed me to connect with the highest part of me. The more I wrote, I quieter my mind became. The quieter I made my mind, the easier it was to hear the silent voices speak.

At first I thought there was just one voice, but soon other personalities made themselves known to me–every energy had a different way of expressing itself. They had things to say. They needed someone to write them down. I was listening, and I was holding a pen in my hand. It was the perfect arrangement. They were my teachers. I was the student.

As silent as these voices were, I was able to “hear” them. They spoke from the center of my soul. They whispered amazing things to me, things I had never thought about, things that had never ever entered my mind. They told me to pay close attention to the world around me, that is was a reflection of the world within me.

I have always believed that these beings were once writers–people who had written books but were never able to bring them to the world. Maybe their lives were cut short. Maybe they never finished what they had started. Maybe they knew me at another time in a different place, and we had agreed to meet up in this lifetime to collaborate on a spiritual project. As I am writing, chills are traveling across my shoulders and up my arms; Spirit is saying that what I am telling you is true. That’s our signal.

Regardless of whatever pact we had made in a past life, I knew I needed to listen to my teachers and write down the lessons. I knew I needed to record everything that was coming into my head–every insight that was finding me. I wrote things down exactly as they were given to me. And if I tried to make a correction, if I tried to edit their words, if I questioned anything they said, the lesson abruptly came to an end. Eventually I understood that this relationship was based on trust.They trusted me to write down their messages. I needed to trust that what they were telling me was the truth.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory (part 2)

Time was the operative word here. I wasn’t confident at first. I didn’t trust the messages that were somehow appearing in the notebook I was holding in my lap. My pen was moving across the paper so fast that I could barely read the writing. Words were magically appearing in front of me. Deeply meaningful phrases and sentences and paragraphs were being written, but it didn’t feel like I was writing them.

Over the years I had written poetry and a few short stories. But this wasn’t that kind of writing. I have a certain style; clearly, this one wasn’t mine.The notebook I was holding held definitions of things I had never heard of before: energy and intention, transition, transformation and truth…. It was as if I had hired a private tutor to teach me spiritual awareness.

There were some unspoken rules; I learned how to channel the hard way. I wasn’t allowed to think. I wasn’t allowed to analyze. I wasn’t allowed to ask any questions– to try to figure anything out while the channeling session was in progress. If I did, there were immediate repercussions. The information stopped flowing. The silent voice stopped speaking. And then I would have to wait until my mind was quiet enough to resume the silent conversation Spirit had started. My mind was anything but quiet then. Sometimes it took days before I was receptive again.

Channeling gradually became a part of my morning routine. I poured myself some coffee, propped a notebook in my lap, grabbed something to write with and waited for Spirit to find me. There was a warming up exercise to get me in the mood. I wrote in my journal. I wrote about my life in my own voice–whatever was happening at the time. I wrote about my hopes and fears, my desires and dreams. I wrote about getting my driver’s license at age 35 and having my second child when I was 40. I wrote about all the old friends that were leaving my life and the new ones that had taken their place. I wrote and wrote and wrote…and then Spirit wrote back to me.

I had no idea that I was writing the book Spirit had spoken of. But I was grateful to be writing again, and more than grateful to write down every word that was being whispered to me. I knew something significant was taking place, that my guides were guiding my hand and that the information I was receiving was important. As chills traveled through my body, I knew I was learning about truth…to be continued.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory

Twelve years ago I was sitting at my computer in silence, staring at a blank screen. I hadn’t written anything in years, not since college. But something was telling me to write, and I knew I needed to do as I was told. I recognized the voice that was speaking to me. It was the voice I heard while I was doing my psychic work–the energy that provided me with information about other people’s lives. But this time was different. This time that voice was not only speaking to me, it was also speaking about me.

“You’re going to write a book and we are going to help you,” the silent voice said. At first, I laughed. I had no idea what they were talking about. I thought they had made a mistake. Then there was a very long pause. They said nothing. It was silent, and in the silence I realized they were not joking.

Had I asked my guides to help me write a book? I didn’t have any recollection of it if I had. On and off over the years I had been keeping journals. But lately it had been more off than on. I missed writing. I knew it was something that fed my soul. But at the same time, I couldn’t bring myself to pick up a pen. I was too tired and depressed to write, too afraid of what would come out of my pen if I tried. I can say that now. At the time I didn’t know how sad I was. I was too busy feeling other peoples emotions to feel my own.

I was a psychic, then. I spent my time tuning into other people’s energies, picking up their vibrations, telling them all about their lives–what had happened to them yesterday, what was happening now, and what was going to happen tomorrow. I thought I liked what I was doing. But the truth was, I was lying to myself and didn’t even know it. Deep down I knew I needed to give people more than what I was giving them. I needed to do more for them than what I was doing. My work made me feel empty; something was missing and Spirit knew it.

The silent voice startled me. I was holding my coffee mug in my hands when it fell to the floor. That’s how startled I was. The whisper intrigued me. Yet at the same time, it scared the hell out of me. How could I write a book? What would it be about? How, exactly, were they planning to help me?

“Thanks for the offer,” I said. “I really, really appreciate it. But I don’t think I’m the person you are looking for. And there are some things you need to know about me before we continue this conversation. For instance, I am a terrible procrastinator. My follow through skills are worse, and I am really, really, really hard on myself.”

“Perfect, ” they said.

That was the conversation. After the one word reply, I heard nothing in my head. At the time I was annoyed because I had so many questions. But Spirit in its infinite wisdom knew me. My higher self understood me to my core. “Perfect” was the perfect answer.

I wasn’t kidding when I told my guides I thought they had made a mistake. At the time, I thought it was the truth. I didn’t know how to write a book. I didn’t have anything to write about. I didn’t have time. I didn’t have patience. I didn’t have energy…. My list of excuses was long and wide. It went on and on and on… Fear consumed me; Spirit couldn’t have reached me if it tried. In order for that to happen, I needed to listen to my heart. I needed some time to get out of my head.

I’m not sure how much time passed before I bought a notebook, probably a month or more. One day I was shopping and put one in my cart. A few days later I started writing again. But this time, the writing was different. The words that came out of my pen had a different rhythm and cadence. I knew were not my own. This voice was very different than my voice. Words were coming through me, but it was clear that they were not coming from me. A spiritually intelligent energy had taken over and was writing about truths I didn’t yet understand. Something inside me told me to keep writing, so I did. And as much as I wanted to know what the words meant, I knew I needed to be patient. I knew I would know in time…to be continued.

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory

May 09 2009
Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory

Published by robin under spiritual awakening, spiritual awareness, spiritual guidance, truth Edit This

Twelve years ago I was sitting at my computer in silence, staring at a blank screen. I hadn’t written anything in years, not since college. But something was telling me to write, and I knew I needed to do as I was told. I recognized the voice that was speaking to me. It was the voice I heard while I was doing my psychic work–the energy that provided me with information about other people’s lives. But this time was different. This was the first time that voice had ever talked to me about me.

“You’re going to write a book and we are going to help you,” the silent voice said. At first, I laughed. I had no idea what they were talking about. I thought they had made a mistake. Then there was a very long pause. They said nothing. It was silent, and in the silence I realized they were not joking.

Had I asked my guides to help me write a book? I didn’t have any recollection of it if I had. On and off over the years I had been keeping journals. But lately it had been more off than on. I missed writing. I knew it was something that fed my soul. But at the same time, I couldn’t bring myself to pick up a pen. I was too tired and depressed to write, too afraid of what would come out of my pen if I tried. I can say that now. At the time I didn’t know how sad I was. I was too busy feeling other peoples emotions to feel my own.

I was a psychic, then. I spent my time tuning into other people’s energies, picking up their vibrations, telling them all about their lives–what had happened to them yesterday, what was happening now, and what was going to happen tomorrow. I thought I liked what I was doing. But the truth was, I was lying to myself and didn’t even know it. Deep down I knew I needed to give people more than what I was giving them. I needed to do more for them than what I was doing. My work made me feel empty; something was missing and Spirit knew it.

The silent voice startled me. I was holding my coffee mug in my hands when it fell to the floor. That’s how startled I was. The whisper intrigued me. Yet at the same time, it scared the hell out of me. How could I write a book? What would it be about? How, exactly, were they planning to help me?

“Thanks for the offer,” I said. “I really, really appreciate it. But I don’t think I’m the person you are looking for. And there are some things you need to know about me before we continue this conversation. For instance, I am a terrible procrastinator. My follow through skills are worse, and I am really, really, really hard on myself.”

“Perfect, ” they said.

That was the conversation. After the one word reply, I heard nothing in my head. At the time I was annoyed because I had so many questions. But Spirit in its infinite wisdom knew me. My higher self understood me to my core. “Perfect” was the perfect answer.

I wasn’t kidding when I told my guides I thought they had made a mistake. At the time, I thought it was the truth. I didn’t know how to write a book. I didn’t have anything to write about. I didn’t have time. I didn’t have patience. I didn’t have energy…. My list of excuses was long and wide. It went on and on and on… Fear consumed me; Spirit couldn’t have reached if it tried. In order for that to happen, I needed to listen to my heart. I needed some time to get out of my head.

I’m not sure how much time passed before I bought a notebook, probably a month or more. One day I was shopping and put one in my cart. A few days later I started writing again. But this time, the writing was different. The words that came out of my pen had a different rhythm and cadence. I knew were not my own. This voice was very different than my voice. Words were coming through me, but it was clear that they were not coming from me. A spiritually intelligent energy had taken over and was writing about truths I didn’t yet understand. Something inside me told me to keep writing, so I did. And as much as I wanted to know what the words meant, I knew I needed to be patient. I knew I would know in time…to be continued.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

About the Silent Voices...

As a spiritual healer, I feel a responsibility to share the things Spirit whispers to me– lessons I have spent my lifetime learning, life-changing things I believe to the depths of my being. Every day there is a new insight, a fresh way at looking at an old truth. And every day, I am blown away when it finds me. Every day, I am awed by the messages I receive.

I have a routine every morning. I grab a cup of coffee, a handful of paper from one of my old manuscripts, and a pen. Then, I just write. I write about my life from my heart, all the things that are happening to me and around me. I write about the dreams I had the night before. I write and write and write. And then something magical happens, the writing changes. Suddenly, spiritual messages stand out on the page. The words on paper have more than one meaning. Sometimes, they are layered with different meanings. Spirit shines a light on the truth in ways I was not aware of before, and chills race through my entire body as if I had just heard my favorite song.

This is something that happens every day, sometimes many times a day. And every time it happens it feels like I am experiencing it for the first time. It is a sacred and mindblowing event, yet at the same time it is completely effortless.

So what happens, you ask? How do I make the shift from being the writer to the one who just writes down the words that are whispered to her? It happens in between the writing, when I lift my pen from the page for a second. It happens unexpectedly. The me who is holding the pen hands it over to the all knowing energy who knows better. And suddenly the words come. They flow from my heart to my head and out of the pen I am holding. Do I hear a voice? Tough question. There is a voice, but do I actually hear it? No. The voice is silent. Somehow ideas and insights find me and I am able to turn them into words. It is as if someone is reading a book to me, like I am a secretary taking dictation.

Then, the miracle happens. The message comes. A word stands out above all the rest. A phrase gets turned in a different direction. A truth is revealed.

I want you to know that I feel very blessed to have this blog–this wonderful sharing place. Thank you so much for visiting. Thank you so much for listening! xxxooo Robin

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Intention to LOVE

Intention is a powerful thing, a living breathing thing that holds energy. Whatever we send out comes back to us. Whatever energy we are holding finds us everywhere. We must make the conscious decision to be the energy of limitless possibilities. We must love ourselves, so we have enough energy to share with the world.

It is only when we love ourselves that the healing can begin. It is only when we love ourselves that we have the ability to send positive healing energy into the universe.It is through the act of loving that we transform the world.

While we love, we are sending peace, not just to our own soul, but to every soul who has asked to receive it. While we are in love, we are sending acceptance and patience and hope and Good into the universe. While we are smiling, we are loving. While we are thinking good thoughts, we are making the energy of love–we are strengthening our vibration. We are expanding it by becoming lighter and brighter–the energy of all that is.

When we are imbalanced, we need to right ourselves. We need to think thoughts that will lift us back into the light. We need to do Good things for our souls. We need to feed them Good, so we are spiritually equipped to give Good to the world. When we are imbalanced, we need to love ourselves. We need to send love to every single cell of spiritmindbody–hugs and kisses to body, mind and soul.

This is the time to STOP- to STOP being frustrated, STOP being mad, STOP being the energy that is the opposite of truth. This is the time to BREATHE–to reintroduce Spirit to all of who we are–to remind ourselves to remember that Spirit is always HERE in our every breath. Every breath we take is who we really are.

This is the time to be grateful. We must shift the focus from what we do not have to all the gifts we have always owned–the gifts that live deep within us.

Love is the light of truth. When we love, the light is not only on, but it is also shining. It is shining and it is healing the things within our souls and throughout our lives. Love is not something we can touch, until we allow it to touch us–until we allow it into our hearts and our lives and let it touch our thoughts and our actions, our desires and our dreams.

It does not cost anything to love. Love is not a luxury. It is the energy we all hold–the energy from which all good things are made. Do we always feel like loving? No. Sometimes we allow frustration and anger and resentment to get the best of us. Sometimes we stand in our own way; we block the light of the sun. But when we stand in the dark, we are not in the process of loving; we are in the process of diminishing our own creative power. When we are not in the process of loving, we are holding the dimmer switch in our hands and turning it in the wrong direction. We are darkening our world-casting a shadow on truth.

This is the time to be grateful for ourselves and each other. This is the time to see the truth in ourselves and to see the world as our reflection. This is the time to look into the mirror and say, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Breathe, Breathe, Breathe...

What is fear? Fear is an illusion. It is the “reality” we create when we forget who we really are. Fear finds us when we forget to turn on the light–when we try to find our way in the dark. It is a very convincing illusion. Sometimes we forget it isn’t real. Sometimes we believe the darkness;we think we know the truth because we have rationalized and analyzed our way to the answer. But then the frustration builds and our dark thoughts multiply. Our mood shifts, adrenaline rushes though our body, and we react in that fight/ flight way. We become one with the energy of All That Isn’t.

Why do we go to that dark creepy place? Why do we choose the hazardous road when we know better? We do not do it consciously. We go there because we forget we have another choice–a better option. In that moment fear(frustration, doubt, anxiety, resentment, anger, guilt, regret…) tricks us into believing that The Path of Most Resistance is the only route that is available to us. So we continue walking while our thoughts race in the wrong direction. Then, our physical self follows. Our head starts to hurt because there are too many heavy things on our mind. Our heart begins to pound because Spirit is shouting at us to turn around and walk in the opposite direction–because we are not listening.

How can we get back to peace when we are walking in fear? How do we get out of our head and stay in our heart? There are many ways to do it, but it all comes down to one thing. We make an immediate decision to stop walking down the imaginary road negativity has created. We remember that fear is nothing. We remind ourselves that if fear is nothing, there is nothing to fear. We let go of the darkness, let in the light and allow Spirit to guide us to Truth.

Where do we begin? We stop the process of fearing and start the process of loving. We take slow, deep breaths and send peace to our mind; we set the intention to think positive thoughts. Then we take some more slow, deep breaths. We send peace to our body. We stop moving. We stay still. We continue breathing. We breathe peace into our soul. We say “I love you” to Spirit, knowing that we are being loved in return.

We keep breathing. We remind ourselves that we can’t go there, because we don’t live there anymore. We live here, now. We embrace ourselves in love; we breathe in the light of truth. We whisper to ourselves,”shhhhhhh, fear is nothing, there is nothing to fear,” while the fear disintegrates into nothing.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How do we start the healing? Where do we begin?

The healing process has already begun. We are facing the truth, and in doing so the illusion is disintegrating into nothing, presenting us with the opportunity to create a new reality. Every illusion is created out of fear- the fear of being “not enough.” In the energy of “not enough”, there is never enough. When we live in a constant state of lack, we turn our backs on abundance.

Whatever energy we hold is the energy we attract. We are an energy magnet. If we live in lack, lack is what we attract. If we live in fear, we create more things to be afraid of. In order to change things for the positive, we need to view them from the position of Spirit. We need to ask ourselves some questions, knowing our soul will give us the answers as soon as we are ready to know the truth: How can I bring light into my soul? How can I bring light into my life? What do I need to do in order to heal myself?

The first thing we need to do is BREATHE. We need to remember that Spirit is HERE. We need to slow down and make ourselves quiet, so we can hear Spirit speak the truth. The next thing we need to do is BREATHE. We need to allow whatever is happening to happen. Without fear, we have to trust the process, knowing and believing that ultimately it will guide us to good. Kicking and screaming about the changes we must make, only make things worse. We have to be strong enough to bypass the details and trust the invisible plan that Spirit has created for us. We must look at the big picture- the picture we are all in the process of creating TOGETHER.

We are letting go of all the old things that no longer serve us. Personally and as a world, we are letting go of lack-we are letting go of the fear of not being enough and not having enough, in order to make room for abundance.

How do we do this? Where do we begin? We heal the fear by loving ourselves more. We heal “not enough” by making more of ourselves, so we can be more to each other.The more love we are, the more light we have. The more light we have, the more love we have to give to the world.

There is music all around us. In fear, it sounds like loud noise. But, when we get quiet, when we stop thinking and start knowing, we will be able to hear the melody. We will sing our songs together in harmony and the music will heal our souls. We need to be quiet. We need to turn off the TV and put down the newspaper. We need to stop listening to the stock reports and tune into our heart. The whisper is everywhere. Spirit is in the process of guiding us to Good.

Healing doesn’t happen over night. We have to be patient, believing it will happen in time. These are old patterns we are scrubbing away, set in stains that are challenging to remove because they were ignored for so long. But we can do it. We will do it. We are making it happen TOGETHER.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Affirmations of Truth

When I look in the mirror, I love the soul that I see: who I am, who I am becoming- who I will always be.

The world is a beautiful place; I feel safe being me.

My friends are gifts; I cherish them.

I am strong, confident and capable. I know how to realize my dreams.

I always treat myself with love and compassion.

Nothing is wrong with me, because everything is right with me.

Life always gives me exactly what I need to succeed.

The world is filled with abundance. There is more than enough of everything for me.

I am more than enough; the universe (God, Spirit…) lives within me.

I love who I am. I am love.

My life is an amazing adventure. I embrace each day with gratitude.

Peace lives in my heart. All is well with my world.

As I accept the changes within and around me, I embrace the opportunity to grow my soul.

I feel good about myself. I love who I am.

When I give Good to the world, it makes me feel good.

I live in the here and now. The past has passed, and tomorrow never comes.

I am a precious gift. I take good care of myself.

I am beautiful because I am me.

When I love myself, I am a magnet for peace, happiness and well-being.

When I take care of myself, love fills my heart.

I look for the good in everyone and everything, and good things always find me.

There is no need to feel afraid; I am never alone.

I am a beautiful soul with a kind and loving heart.

I trust myself; I know how to make good decisions.

I deserve to be happy.

I love life, and life loves me.

No matter the question, love is always the answer.

I feel good when I am true to myself.

When I give love, love always finds me.

I have no imperfections: I am perfectly me.

I love myself; I trust myself.

I am kind to myself; I am a wonderful soul.

When I listen to my heart, I hear the music in my soul.

When I remember to breathe, there is nothing to fear.

I deserve to be loved, honored and respected. I love, honor and respect myself.

I deserve to be loved, because I am me.

I love and accept myself exactly as I am.

All of my answers are inside me. I find them when I trust my heart.

When I trust my heart to guide me, I make good decisions.

I trust my intuition; I listen to my heart.

We are not in crisis. We are in the process of healing.

We are holding wealth beyond measure, and it is alive and well within us. We are invaluable, because we hold the universe in our hearts and our souls and our minds, and in every single cell of us. Spirit is with us and beside us, every moment of every day.

Our thoughts direct our lives. Our actions bring them into being. Our believing in them makes them real.

The old order of things has to fall down and fall away. The truth has to be revealed. We have to heal ourselves and each other. We have to be united as one-the single creative force- focused on creating every good thing we could possibly imagine.

This is not a crisis. It is a transformation. Spiritually, as a world- as a universe- we are discovering who we really are. We are learning that we have the ability to create whatever reality we desire to create.

Love is the answer. Love is always the answer. We must love ourselves. We must be the love we are and use that energy to heal and become more- the energy that is ever-changing, ever-evolving into different forms of truth, different degrees of light- different degrees of brightness.

We are light. We are all walking into truth together. We are one. We are love.

We have learned who we are not. Now, we are in the process of discovering the truth.

We are learning compassion. We are learning trust. We are learning patience. We are learning the meaning of gratitude. We are learning the meaning of oneness.

The world is coming together to heal.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In Order to be Clear, We Must Let Go of the Fear

Every time we doubt ourselves, we are second-guessing the intelligence of our spirit. Every time we second-guess the intelligence of our spirit, the light within us dims and darkens.

When we let ourselves be guided by truth, truth is where we go. When we are unable to trust the energy that always knows our answers, all we are left with are questions.

Spirit doesn’t think: Spirit knows. Spirit doesn’t guess; Spirit knows. Spirit doesn’t fear; Spirit knows. Spirit doesn’t regret; Spirit knows.

When we are aligned with light, all that matters is now. Now is all we need to know. When we know that now is the only moment we need to contend with, nothing else matters. Nothing else is real. The past falls away as if it never existed; the future before us is a clean canvas, primed and ready to be painted- ready to receive the picture we have decided to paint.

Endless possibilities exist- starting right here, starting right now.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Light of Love

In order to create soul-supportive realities, within ourselves and throughout our lives, we must love them into being. In order for those realities to be, we must be the energy of love. Love is the highest, brightest light- the most powerful creative energy in the universe. Within love is every energy of truth. There is faith. There is hope. There is patience. There is kindness. There is passion, compassion, understanding acceptance and joy.

Love is the energy from which limitless possibilities flow. Love is the energy of creation. Love is the vibration of truth.

When we love ourselves we are taking care of our souls. We are feeding light to the light we are and will always be. Every time we think kindly of ourselves, every time we show ourselves compassion, patience and understanding, the light within us intensifies and expands. Our soul grows and evolves. We become more of who we really are. Spiritmindbody become lighter, as the flame within us grows brighter.

Love creates. Love heals. Love transforms.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Loving in Gratitude

When we live in gratitude, we invite the universe to provide us with abundance. We acknowledge that we have more than enough, that we need nothing- that we lack nothing.

The act of being grateful is the energy of peace, joy and well-being. It signals that all is well within and around us. Life is beautiful; resources are abundant. Love is everpresent.

In gratitude, we love it all. We embrace our circumstances as opportunities to stretch and grow and evolve our soul. We recognize that every single thing in life is a gift, no matter how it appears. We realize that what we have, right here, right now is a blessing to be cherished and embraced. We recognize that being-simply BEING- is a gift, and that we must use this gift- the light within us- to affect positive change around us.

In gratitude, we love who we are. We love what we like about ourselves, and we love what we don't like even more. We make a point to send extra love into the darkness- to shine light on ourselves and each other in the name of healing.

We live and we love in gratitude.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Sacredness of Silence

What happens when we are quiet? How is it that we become acutely aware of the messages around us in the absence of noise? What is it that affords us the ability to hear the truth- to recognize Spirit’s voice?

A quiet mind is a beautiful thing. It is a reality unlike any other. It is a place where our dreams live and endless creative opportunities abound. It is the meeting place where we, the co-creator of our life, connect with Spirit to design every aspect of our existence.

How is it that nothingness can give birth to somethingness? How can we make something out of nothing? How do answers arise out of quiet?

The universe is alive within us. It is our awareness of this truth that activates the creative influences that are around us. When we acknowledge our oneness, we realize that anything our heart desires can manifest in physical reality. Anything is possible with Spirit’s light and guidance.

Quiet affords us the power to know the truth.

When a door is locked, there is always another way to get in. There is always a back door. When the answer is “no”, there is always a “yes” somewhere behind it. We may not be able to see it at first; it may be hidden behind a long line of “nos.” But, it is there just the same. It is real- a spiritual possibility in the process of becoming a reality. As long as we believe it exists, it exists.

Where there is a will, there is a way.” When we trust our infinite wisdom to always guide us to Good, “The Way” is made for us. When we make ourselves quiet, our answers arise and make themselves known.

Noise is only fear in disguise. When we become quiet, when we silence the doubt and judgement, anxiety and frustration, resentment and anger, we eliminate the distractions that are blocking the knowing of truth. We can see beyond illusion, beyond the surface of physical reality to the heart of the truth.

Quiet orders our life. It enables us to differentiate truth from illusion. It gives us the power and inner-vision we need to see where we are going- to know we are walking in the direction of our dreams. Quiet is where we find the answers to our questions. Quiet is where we discover the true meaning of our physical circumstances. Quiet is where Spirit lives.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Listening to the Whisper of Truth

Spiritual messages are wherever we are. Every moment of every day, they are within our reach. They tell us whether or not we are walking in the right direction. They tell us whether or not we are at peace or in noise. They tell us whether or not we are honoring our truths. They tell us everything we need to know.

But, are we really listening? Are we ready to hear the stories the universe is telling us. Or is fear standing in the way, preventing us from knowing the truth?

There is only one way to recognize a whisper. We must be quiet enough to hear it. We must eliminate every noise-producing thing in our head in order to know the answer our soul is holding.

Aligning ourselves with Spirit is the only way we can understand what the universe is trying to tell us. Being quiet is the only way to recognize the whisper of truth- the spiritual messages that are all around us.

When we make ourselves quiet, we become one with the energy of limitless possibilities. The things we desire to know and decisions we need to make become clear to us; there is no noise to compromise the knowing of truth.

When we make ourselves quiet, we can see what we need to see and hear what we need to hear. We are aware that Spirit is speaking to us. We understand that when answers suddenly appear out of nowhere, they are to be accepted, not analyzed. We appreciate that they are Divine.

In quiet, the whisper becomes audible; we hear our heart speaking to us. As we walk the path of Truth, we recognize spiritual guidance. We are able to identify and trust the messages that are finding us every step of the way. We feel peaceful knowing that we are headed in the right direction. We feel at ease, knowing we are never alone. We realize that we are continually being guided to Good.

Our answers live within each and every one of us. When we are ready to know them, they will surface in the physical world. Our heart is always telling us the truth. Our soul is always guiding us in the right direction. Let go of the doubts. Let go of the resentments. Let go of the past; let go of the noise.

Breathe. Be quiet. Listen. Recognize the whisper.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Attracting Abundance

In order to attract abundance, you must BELIEVE that what you desire to own is already here. You must put yourself in the flow of all good things, so they can find you. Your thoughts must reflect your desire to attract GOOD. Your actions must support those thoughts. And you must know, wholeheartedly and without a doubt, that you already live an abundant life.

The universe is your creative partner. It will create whatever reality you intend to create. But, it can only create a reality you completely believe in. It can only design your life from whatever energy you are presently holding.

Living in abundance means that, no matter what your world looks like, you must think of it as being abundant NOW.

Starting with yourself, focus on the abundance you already own. Focus on your wholeness- all the gifts that are within you. The light that shines from your soul is abundance in its purest form- unlimited, ever-present wealth that is always available to you.

Embrace it with gratitude.

Give yourself all the things you share with the world. Give yourself peace. Give yourself patience. Give yourself acceptance. Give yourself respect, compassion and kindness. Give yourself unconditional love. By giving light to yourself, you are creating abundance. You are making yourself a “magnet” for the very things you desire to attract: good health, happiness, well-being… And as you are giving good things to yourself, always remember that you DESERVE them.

Now, shift your focus to all the wonderful, supportive, loving people who are always here for you. Think about the love they give you. Think about the wonderful times you share- all the fun you have. Think about how each of these people has contributed to your well-being- what BLESSINGS they are to you. This is abundance.

Life is filled with good things. Embrace all the things in your life that make you feel good. Focus on everything in your world that uplifts you and aligns you with GOOD.

Appreciate every good thing you have in your life.

Live in the present moment. Live in the energy of endless opportunities and limitless possibilities. Love your life, knowing how much life loves you.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dancing With The Winds of Change

I was looking out my window the other day, watching our mountain ash tree dance in the winter wind. Snow was blowing in all directions, but the tree didn’t mind. In fact, it seemed to be celebrating the storm. It’s branches were moving with the wind, not against it. Every time the wind blew, the tree moved in the same direction. Then the snow stopped blowing. The sky cleared, and everything was still again.

As I studied the scene outside my window, my Guides whispered to me. They reminded me that during times of change, we too must bend with the wind. As the winds blow, we must dance with them. But first, we must stand still in the storm while it is roaring all around us, trusting that the noise we hear is really beautiful music in disguise.

Change is necessary. The winds blow to force us into releasing whatever old things we are holding onto- thoughts and jobs and relationships that no longer serve us. During the storm, anything that isn’t strong enough to stand gets swept away to make room for new and beautiful things- to make room for a new life.

How do we get through these challenging times? We take a deep breath and hold each other’s hands during the storm. We walk through it together. We offer kindness and compassion and unconditional love to every single soul we meet while we our walking our paths. We remind ourselves that we are not alone. We approach each new day as an opportunity to be a better soul. We remember to take care of ourselves- to love ourselves and each other. We remind ourselves to be who we really are.

About Me

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Robin Leigh Vella is a spiritual healer and transformation guide. For more than fifteen years, she has been teaching self-empowerment through spiritual awareness. Clairaudient and clairsentient since childhood, Robin left the corporate world to put her spiritual gifts into practice. In 1992, with encouragement from family and friends, she began working as a psychic. Over the next few years, Robin conducted readings in person and by phone. During that time, referrals steadily expanded her clientele. By 1996, she had counseled hundreds of people, throughout the United States as well as overseas. In response to unmistakable promptings from the Universe, Robin eventually made a career change. Recognizing the need to offer her clients more than psychic guidance, she opened her healing practice with the intention of teaching spiritual awareness. Today, Robin helps people understand their personal circumstances from a higher perspective. At the same time, she teaches them how to heal and transform their lives. Robin offer half hour and one hour private spiritual counseling sessions by phone. For details, please contact her via email: