Discovering Spiritual Awareness in Everyday Life

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Silent Voices of the Soul: The Backstory (part 9)

It was always calm and peaceful while my guides were channeling to me. Their words felt right to my heart. Their healing energies comforted my soul. The more I listened to them, the more I learned. And I was so grateful to be their student. I looked forward to learning my lessons. Then again, nothing physical was required of me when I sat in that chair; other than writing, I didn’t have to do anything.

All of that changed the moment I put my notebook away, however. It was one thing to learn about awareness through the act of channeling. It was something entirely different to see what Spirit’s words looked like in real life. And I didn’t even have to leave home before the lessons in my notebook transformed into multiple, tangible, physical realities.

Tests happened no matter where I was or what I was doing. And Spirit was creative; they assumed many different forms: a disquieting conversation, an unexpected letter in the mailbox, a flood in the basement… Looking back I realize that there weren’t any pop quizzes, although at the time it didn’t feel that way. It seemed as though unannounced tests were coming from every corner of the universe. But now I know that wasn’t the case. Spirit always let me know when a test was coming. There would be an announcement; the universe would always send me a sign or a symbol. An answer would find me so I would be equipped to answer the question.

When I was in a receptive state of mind, when my heart was open to knowing the truth, I recognized Spirit’s voice. But when I allowed anxiety, frustration or doubt to play tricks on me, it was a different story. I forgot that everything other than love was an illusion. I experienced a temporary identity crisis; I forgot that I wasn’t alone.

Every channeling session was an opportunity to expand my mind. Every physical test that found me, every challenge in disguise, was an opportunity for me to stretch my soul. And whether I passed the test or not, Spirit always sent love to me. My teachers always reminded me to love myself while I was learning.

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About Me

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Robin Leigh Vella is a spiritual healer and transformation guide. For more than fifteen years, she has been teaching self-empowerment through spiritual awareness. Clairaudient and clairsentient since childhood, Robin left the corporate world to put her spiritual gifts into practice. In 1992, with encouragement from family and friends, she began working as a psychic. Over the next few years, Robin conducted readings in person and by phone. During that time, referrals steadily expanded her clientele. By 1996, she had counseled hundreds of people, throughout the United States as well as overseas. In response to unmistakable promptings from the Universe, Robin eventually made a career change. Recognizing the need to offer her clients more than psychic guidance, she opened her healing practice with the intention of teaching spiritual awareness. Today, Robin helps people understand their personal circumstances from a higher perspective. At the same time, she teaches them how to heal and transform their lives. Robin offer half hour and one hour private spiritual counseling sessions by phone. For details, please contact her via email: