Discovering Spiritual Awareness in Everyday Life

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Illusion of Fear

Given the choice, why would we focus on a nightmare, when can look in the direction of our dreams.

Nightmares are only our fears chasing us. Dreams are LIGHT--love, hope and passion in the process of embracing us. If we stopped running from our fears, if we stopped trying to outrun them, we would realize that we are running for no reason. We would see we are running from nothing. We would know that we are wasting our precious time and energy, running in the wrong direction.

If we stopped running and turned around, we would only be facing ourselves.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Power of Light

We must celebrate every time we are able to uplift and upgrade the energies around us- to
leave life a little better-feeling than we found it. We must be grateful to have the light that we have. At any given time, there is more than enough light to guide us to good. The secret is in believing this is true. Because in the dark, it is impossible to see the light that is ever-glowing and ever- present within us. It is impossible to see what we do not believe is really there. And the more we do not believe, the more we doubt or question or fear, the more we perpetuate our own darkness-
the darker everything in our world becomes.

We have only to remember to turn on the light-to shine the light we are holding within us-on ourselves. We have only to "lighten up"-to see things more light-heartedly. We have only to embrace the light we are already holding--to not be afraid because we are never alone. We have only to remember that the light of Spirit knows no darkness.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Listening in the Quiet

Henry David Thoreau said, "it isn't what we are looking at that matters, it's what we see.
That may be my favorite quote. My heart understands it;I feel its meaning resonate with my soul's vibration. I know it's the truth. Not only do I believe it, I live my life according to the energy behind those words. It's a powerful reminder to look at my life through Spirit's eyes--to see the REAL story my life is telling me.

That being said, it isn't always easy. Sometimes, life presents a message to us in a dramatic way but fear prevents us from receiving it. It disintegrates while we are trying to analyze it; we lose its meaning in the process of "figuring it out". Deep down we know who we really are, that we are "spiritual beings having a human experience." But how can we embrace the truth when we are holding onto fear? How can we hear it above our self-created noise?

Our answers await us in the silence. That's where they live. That's where they have always lived-deep within the light of our souls. Now, all we need to do is get quiet enough to hear them. All we need to do is listen.

Friday, March 7, 2008

My "Living in the Now" Experiment

For the past few months, I have been learning how to live in the moment. Spirit has been teaching me; I volunteered to be the student. And what I have been experiencing has been life changing. I am not the same person I used to be; I can feel my soul stretching as I am becoming more.

Before, in order to quiet myself down, I had to be forced into position. Either I would become ill, or injured. Or, at the very least, I would come down with laryngitis. I would need an excuse to slow down- to stop running around doing things. This is the first time in my life that I have been able to put my foot on the brake without any dramatic promptings from the Universe. This is the first time I have knowingly ASKED for a spiritual lesson, and recognized the "teachers" that are showing up everywhere.

What I have discovered(so far) is that living in THE HERE AND NOW is as simple as BEING in the moment. What does that mean? It means not worrying about yesterday and not focusing on tomorrow. It means the past has passed and the next day hasn't yet arrived; so the only time that truly exists is NOW. And as I focus on exactly where I am, no matter what is happening to me or near me, I can feel the presence of something much, much bigger than my physical self.
I am aware that, with every step I take, Spirit is walking with me; I am not alone. I see where I'm going; I know I am headed in the right direction.

Signs and symbols are everywhere. Not only do I see them, but I immediately understand them. I know what they mean-how they relate to my personal circumstances. I am finding that it is much easier to see truth when there is nothing on the sidelines of my life to distract me. It finds me no matter where I am, as long as I am quiet. Living in the moment has given me peace- the kind of peace that used to find me only once in a while. And in this peace, in this much quieter than ever place in my life, the light shines brighter. I see things much differently from where I am standing. And wherever I am looking, I trust the Truth that is looking back at me.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Awakening in the Light

Slowly and deliberately, bit by bit, we begin to discover our true identity. Our truth is revealed to us a little at a time. Each time we learn a lesson, we let go of a fear we once held. And releasing that fear, whether in the form of frustration, anxiety, resentment, anger or doubt, makes room for the light to find us. Letting go of who we are not, makes room for who we truly are.

So we let go of our old things and let in the light. We let go of self-loathing, of not feeling good enough, of not measuring up to artificial standards and contrived ideals. Then, we replace that old energy with self-loving. We begin to realize, bit by bit, piece by piece, a little at a time, that we are responsible for the thoughts that create our lives. We begin to see, little by little, how what we think affects the way we feel. We are aware that there is a connection to our thoughts and feelings. We see that our reality is shaped the way it is, because we shaped it-our energy molded it that way. Our thoughts, good or bad, deemed it to be.

We awaken to the possibilities within the moment, as we begin to see them in ourselves. We hear the noise we were once unaware of, because we are no longer one with it. We feel what noise does to us-body, mind and soul. So we now bring peace to whatever challenge or crisis we are facing. We make THE NOW more peaceful, because we know how much better peace feels than noise. And we become peaceful by breathing Spirit into ourselves-by allowing Spirit to breathe peace into us. We breathe in the music and dance in our own light. We breathe in the light, and there is no longer darkness.

As we release the constricting thoughts and beliefs that once prevented us from breathing, we intentionally invite Spirit in. The more we let go, the more light we let in. The more light we let in, the more spiritually aware we become-the more Spirit's breath expands our soul.

We become enlightened; we understand that it is not possible to see truth in the darkness. It is not possible to access our answers, when there is no light to guide us to them-when we have no idea where we are going. It is only when we are aware of our own light, that we can see the potentials and possibilities that are within us. It is only when we are aware of our own light, that we can access the potentials and possibilities that await us.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Trusting The Truth Within

As a channel for Truth, I am constantly receiving spiritual information. Sometimes I ask a question and Spirit answers me. Then there are times when I receive the answer without having to ask the question. This is one of those times.

In the energy of trust, we know our intuitive impulses and impressions are Truth. We understand that we are thinking and acting in ways that support our Highest Self. And as this pure, positive vibration, we are aligned with all other like energies. We attract them to us; we are attracted to them.

So, if we are tuned into the frequency of Truth, we will be attracted to any and all things born from that energy. We send out a positive vibration and positive vibrations find us in return. We intend to attract that which supports us, and soul-supportive energies start showing up everywhere. First, it happens within us; our soul fills with peace. At the same time, positive thoughts offer us tranquility. And our body reacts to this calm, quiet vibration in positive ways as well. We feel good.

As a positive vibration, we are automatically and always tuned into Truth. We recognize it immediately, because it is something we can feel within. It resonates with our heart; it feels right. Truth is the energy that resides within us. It is the essence from which we and all other light energies are born. Truth is LOVE. Truth is TRUST. Truth is COMPASSION. Truth is EMPATHY. Truth is ACCEPTANCE. Truth is PASSION. Truth is JOY and LIMITLESS WELL-BEING.

When we are thinking, intending and behaving according to our truth, we completely trust ourselves because we know who we truly are. It means we understand that Spirit lives within us- that we have an ever present connection. And as long as we nurture that partnership,
the creative possibilities that exist within and around us are infinite.

Feeding light to the soul is the same thing as being the energy of Truth. It is thinking "light" thoughts, rather than dark and heavy ones. It is allowing ourselves to be uplifted, balanced and recharged by our own creative mental process. It is programming the mind in a positive way, or re-programming it-whatever the case may be.

Any light thought aligns us with Truth. Any dark thought disconnects us from it. So we must be consciously aware of the thoughts we are creating and feeding to our minds. This makes all the difference in whether or not we feel good. When we feel good, we can be certain that we are taking good care of ourselves. We can also be certain that, should negativity unexpectedly creep into our space, we know how to regain our balance. In other words, in our positive position, we know how to quickly re-balance ourselves- how to get back into the flow.

Either an energy feels good to us or it doesn't. Either it flows with us or is resistant to our vibration. An energy that makes us feel good, does so because it complements our own inner light. It supports our truth. An energy that clashes with our own has the opposite effect. It "drains" us of our own creative power.

If it doesn't feel good, it isn't good for us. If it doesn't flow,we must let it go.

In the energy of Truth, we can feel whether or not our thoughts, intentions and actions support
us. We know how they feel to our soul. Even if we say one word that doesn't resonate with our light, we know it. It doesn't flow with our energy, because we are aware we are not telling the truth. The awareness of how a thought feels, makes us think twice before we put it into words. We are not as quick to speak-we make sure that what we have to say is positive. We make certain that our words are kind, encouraging, supportive and loving. We pause to make sure that we are not just speaking off the top of our heads- that our words are HEARTFELT--that we believe them.

And as the old adage goes, "if we can't say something good, we say nothing at all."

About Me

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Robin Leigh Vella is a spiritual healer and transformation guide. For more than fifteen years, she has been teaching self-empowerment through spiritual awareness. Clairaudient and clairsentient since childhood, Robin left the corporate world to put her spiritual gifts into practice. In 1992, with encouragement from family and friends, she began working as a psychic. Over the next few years, Robin conducted readings in person and by phone. During that time, referrals steadily expanded her clientele. By 1996, she had counseled hundreds of people, throughout the United States as well as overseas. In response to unmistakable promptings from the Universe, Robin eventually made a career change. Recognizing the need to offer her clients more than psychic guidance, she opened her healing practice with the intention of teaching spiritual awareness. Today, Robin helps people understand their personal circumstances from a higher perspective. At the same time, she teaches them how to heal and transform their lives. Robin offer half hour and one hour private spiritual counseling sessions by phone. For details, please contact her via email: