Discovering Spiritual Awareness in Everyday Life

Sunday, June 29, 2008

shhhhhhh...spirit is speaking

 JP and I were sitting on his bed, sharing school-related stories. I told him about how I almost didn't graduate from High School because I  had skipped gym too many times. He told me about the time his teacher peered over his shoulder while he was taking a quiz. Apparently, my son was about to circle a multiple-choice answer when the teacher whispered, "I'd re-think that move if I were you."

As it turned out, JP listened to that whisper. I, on the other hand, had tuned out that same, yet silent, advice. He ended up doing very well on his quiz. I didn't listen to the warning; my story had a very different ending.

I ask you, could there be a more perfect metaphor?  We are about to make a decision. Let me rephrase that. Doubt, anxiety, frustration or anger is about to make it for us. In other words, we are on the verge of choosing the wrong answer. Then, for some reason, we pause for a moment to BREATHE. We get quiet, and in our quiet we hear our Higher Self saying, " I'd re-think that move if I were you." So, we listen. We tune out the noise in our head. We ignore all the other "voices"- the ones that are telling us what we should do, or need to do, or must do. And we tune into the truth. We listen to our heart and allow it to guide us to our answer. 

We take Spirit's advice. We re-think that move.

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About Me

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Robin Leigh Vella is a spiritual healer and transformation guide. For more than fifteen years, she has been teaching self-empowerment through spiritual awareness. Clairaudient and clairsentient since childhood, Robin left the corporate world to put her spiritual gifts into practice. In 1992, with encouragement from family and friends, she began working as a psychic. Over the next few years, Robin conducted readings in person and by phone. During that time, referrals steadily expanded her clientele. By 1996, she had counseled hundreds of people, throughout the United States as well as overseas. In response to unmistakable promptings from the Universe, Robin eventually made a career change. Recognizing the need to offer her clients more than psychic guidance, she opened her healing practice with the intention of teaching spiritual awareness. Today, Robin helps people understand their personal circumstances from a higher perspective. At the same time, she teaches them how to heal and transform their lives. Robin offer half hour and one hour private spiritual counseling sessions by phone. For details, please contact her via email: