Discovering Spiritual Awareness in Everyday Life
Sunday, November 30, 2008
We are all one. Just look at the people around you- your husband or wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, sons and daughters… Do you recognize your reflection in the mirror? Listen to the soul who is standing in the checkout line at the convenience store. Is her story really that different from yours?
Living in the moment has made me aware of “oneness.” There are no strangers, just family members we have not yet met. There are no coincidences, just perfectly timed events orchestrated by the Universe in order to tell us the truth.
The other day as I was preparing stuffing for Thanksgiving, I reached for a green pepper. I was about to start mindlessly chopping it, when something made me stop. The light hit it, making me aware of something I didn’t notice before. The area that had begun to turn orange was in the unmistakable shape of a heart.
In that quiet moment, I remembered the promise I had made to myself. I had vowed that this Thanksgiving I would be grateful for every moment I spent in the kitchen. I would be grateful to have a wonderful family to cook for. I would be grateful to have a home to clean and dishes to wash and food to put on the table.
To be truly grateful, I realized, I needed to be in love with the present moment. So when my whisk broke while I was making the triple chocolate pumpkin cheesecake, I laughed. And when Thomas spilled cranberry-orange relish all over the table while he was helping me, I kissed him on the forehead. I felt blessed to be spending time with my wonderful almost seven-year-old son.
Love is the only thing that matters. We must remember to send love out into the universe- to put love into everything we do. Smile at the cashier who is having a challenging day. Show compassion and kindness to those around you. Say “I love you” every chance you get.
We are all one. Love is all there is. Love is who we really are. Let’s lift each other into the light.
Monday, November 17, 2008
C.H.A.O. S or Change Happening Actively on Schedule
During spiritual transformation “old” things are leaving our life, while new ones are taking their place. It is an eventful and challenging time. It may appear as though everything has been turned inside out and upside down. But remember, there is a divine purpose behind every change that is happening. Spirit is rearranging our life to support our highest good.
Any change can feel overwhelming. If we are holding onto fear (or any energy in opposition to Truth), it looks like chaos to us. But, when we look at change through Spirit’s eyes, we see the truth behind our physical circumstances. We see “chaos” as:
Change Happening Actively On Schedule.
Here are some important things to keep in mind during times of change:
Remember to Trust
No matter what your life looks like, remember that Spirit is in the process of supporting you. Remind yourself to breathe; remember who you really are. Keep in mind that your life is changing to support the changes you have made within. You are moving forward. Let Spirit light the way.
Allow change to happen; fighting it will only serve to hold you in place. Open your fists; release your grasp on the past. Let go of the fear. Let Spirit guide you.
Remember to be Patient
Everything is in perfect order. Spirit is redesigning your life. Keep in mind that transformation is a process. Remind yourself that a seed does not become a flower over night. Be patient; creating a new life takes time.
Remember to Love Yourself
Be loving, compassionate and kind to yourself. Find ways to bring peace and happiness into your life: think loving thoughts, make time for quiet, read inspirational books, surround yourself with positive, uplifting people, listen to your favorite music, eat healthy foods…
Remember to stay “grounded” while the winds of change are blowing. Take care of yourself- body, mind and soul.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
"Silent Voices of the Soul"-Book Excerpt- "Spiritual Transformation"
It took a while for me to make the connection. The more time I spent in the living room, the more depressed I felt. I was writing in my journal when Spirit whispered the reason why. The walls were in a state of disrepair. They reminded me of who I used to be.
Changes needed to be made. There was just one problem: I didn’t know where to start.
When I asked John for his input, I discovered we didn’t share the same perception. He didn’t see the need for change. John had served in Vietnam. He was a front-line soldier. His tolerance for uncomfortable living conditions by far surpassed my own.
While my husband couldn’t relate to how I was feeling, he offered his support.
He suggested that we paint the living room. John agreed to help with the prep work. I volunteered to do the painting. The next day we purchased our supplies and started the project together.
It felt good to remove chipped paint from the wall and watch it fall to the floor. Bit by bit, piece bit piece, I was getting rid of something old to replace it with something new. While I was scraping, I remembered the negative energies I had released from my life: self- destructive thoughts, a pessimistic attitude, and a belief system based in lack.
Some areas were easier to scrape than others.
There was a crack on the ceiling. At first I didn’t think it was serious. But when I tried painting over it, I discovered I had underestimated its depth. The crack showed through the paint. It was also much longer than I realized. It started at the middle of the ceiling and extended half-way across the room. When I scraped away the surrounding damage, an enormous “injury” was left behind.
The thought of fixing it was overwhelming to me.
For a moment I considered handing it over to someone else. I didn’t know if I was capable of doing the work. I wasn’t sure if I could stand on a ladder and repair the ceiling at the same time.
A part of me wanted to walk away from the job. A bigger part of me knew I needed to finish what I had started.
My brother-in-law, Chris, offered me guidance. He told me to how to fix the ceiling. He reminded me to take my time. “Be patient, it’s a process,” he said. I stood on a ladder and repaired the deep depression. I made sure the spackle adhered to the ceiling and waited for it to dry.
The next day I started painting the living room. It was ninety-eight degrees. The air was almost too heavy to breathe. There was no air conditioning in the house.
In the past, I would have stopped working the moment things began to feel uncomfortable. Now, making this change was the only thing that mattered. I had made a commitment. I was determined to get the job done.
Taking good care of myself was my first priority. I drank water when I was thirsty, rested when I felt tired and ate healthy meals. I kept a positive attitude. I listened to jazz and rolled paint on the walls to the rhythm of the music.
The heat wave lasted for two weeks. It ended the day I finished painting. As I cleaned up newspapers and pulled tape from the woodwork, I admired the space I had transformed. The room looked brighter and bigger than before. The repairs I had made were barely noticeable. The imperfections on the ceiling resembled faded scars.
Throughout the entire process, I had thought about my own transformation. I remembered the lessons I had learned. While I repaired cracks and holes, I reminded myself to be patient. As I climbed the ladder, I took one step at a time. In the heat, I stayed balanced. I took care of myself- spirit, body and mind.
I glanced at the dining room. It hadn’t been painted yet. There were cracks and holes in the walls. Paint had been peeling. I took a deep breath. I knew how to make the transformation happen- bit by bit, piece by piece, one small change at a time.
Monday, September 8, 2008
"Silent Voices of the Soul"- Book Excerpt
I couldn’t wait to remove the rug from the staircase. It was worn and dirty; I didn’t like looking at it. I wanted to tear it off fast and carry it to the road. My chore held symbolic significance. An old rug didn’t belong in the new life I was in the process of creating. Footprints reminded me of the past. I had allowed others to “walk” all over me.
John helped me get the project started. He ripped the rug away from the bottom step. Together, we lifted it up and pulled it off the staircase a little at a time. The rug was heavy and cumbersome. More than once I had to put it down. I had to give my arms a rest before I could pick it up again.
Eventually, we dragged the rug out of the house and left it by the road.
I thought my job was done. But when we went back inside to admire the “new” stairs, John pointed something out to me. Hundreds of staples had been left behind. They blended in with the woodwork so I didn’t see them at first. He demonstrated how to remove them.
I had to be patient with the process. I could only work on one staple at a time. First, I lifted it with a screwdriver. Then I removed it with a pair of pliers. Sometimes a staple would come out easily. Sometimes it would break while I was trying to release it. Sometimes it was so firmly imbedded in the wood that I had to take it out with a special tool.
There were no shortcuts. There was no way to expedite the transformation. If I tried to speed things up, something would happen to slow me down. Spirit reminded me to take my time.
When I removed a staple in one step instead of two, I ended up gouging the wood. When I attempted to pull one out with my fingers, I stabbed myself. When I tried to move forward too quickly, I tripped.
The process was slow. It took nearly a week to finish the project. Patience, energy and time were required to make it happen. Whenever I removed a staple from the staircase, I acknowledged my progress. I celebrated my success. To me, each staple represented something from my past that had held me in place: an unhealthy thought, a negative perception, a limited way of looking at life… I had let go of many things that no longer served me.
My work had been completed. I walked up the stairs, silently congratulating myself on a job well done. The old rug was gone, so were the staples that had held it down. Light was shining on the staircase; there were no footprints to see.
I was on my way to the second floor, when my sock caught itself on a staple.
“Not so fast, Spirit whispered, not so fast.”
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Let go. Let go. Let go. Let go of every dark, heavy thing you have been holding. Put down your fists. Release your grasp. The past has no hold on you; the “fight” is over.
Let go of the fear. Let go of what happened. It doesn’t matter anymore; you are HERE now.
Your dreams are right in front of you. Your new life is reaching for you.
Now, you can embrace it with open arms.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Be HERE. Be in the HERE and the NOW. Be exactly where you are, knowing you are exactly where you need to be.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
You ask us where we are, yet you already know the answer. We are HERE- everpresent and always. We live in your soul. We are connected to eachother through the light. You do not have to find us. There is no separation between us. We belong to eachother.
We are you. You are us. We are one. We hold your answers- everything you think you need to know, but in fact already know. We are always here to remind you to remember the truth.
So where do we live? We live in your light. We live in the silent nothingness of your soul. We live in your hopes. We live in your dreams. We are one with your highest visions and aspirations.
So be quiet, and you will hear us whispering to you. Be quiet, so we can make ourselves known to you. Be quiet and you will be able to hear the truth.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I knew better, but I did it anyway. I asked my Higher Self to teach me PATIENCE. “This is something I really want to learn,” I wrote. “And I would greatly appreciate it if you could you please teach me in the most gentle way possible.” I was serious. And apparently Spirit understood that, because about an hour later the lesson began.
Let me back up a bit. I’ve been having some challenges lately. Ever since I wrote this book, I have been impatient about getting it into the hands of those who need it. I have felt like someone else’s agent- Spirit’s representative- an agent to the true author of this book. I have felt a responsibility to bring this work into the world because writing it healed me, and I am driven to help others improve the quality of their lives. I can’t help it- I was born this way.
I know that impatience is not an energy I need to be sending out into the Universe. I understand that if I am impatient, the Universe is going to bring me more things to be impatient about. But has that stopped me from checking my email a thousand times a day? No. So Spirit found a way to stop me.
I had a really bad gut feeling when John was removing old programs from our computer.. But, I didn’t want to offend him. I didn’t want to ask if he knew what he was doing. I’ve done that before; suffice it to say it didn’t go over very well. So, I kept quiet. I waited until he was finished and then I checked my email. Unfortunately, for some reason I wasn’t able to get to it. That’s when I realized something was wrong.
Not only was I unable to access my email, I couldn’t access anything on the internet. It took a moment, but then I realized why. I had asked for help. The Universe was “helping” me.
The internet had been removed from our computer, because John had “accidentally” deleted it from the system. In other words, checking email was temporarily impossible. I had no choice but to be patient.
So, I made good use of my time. JP was at his girlfriend’s house, and Thomas went to the beach with his dad. So, I spent an entire day in the basement, sorting through six enormous bins of old toys. It was something I had needed to do, and was putting it off. I ended up throwing away most of the things I found, but was able to salvage some things to donate. It was my therapy, another exercise in patience- a very long, tedious chore.
I ended up writing a thank you note to Spirit. I wanted to express my gratitude for the prompt response to my request. I am beginning to learn patience now. Yes, I have a long way to go, but at least I’m on my way. As for my next spiritual lesson, I’m going to make sure I’m really clear before I put any Divine requests in writing- before I even think about asking my Guides for guidance.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
shhhhhhh...spirit is speaking
As it turned out, JP listened to that whisper. I, on the other hand, had tuned out that same, yet silent, advice. He ended up doing very well on his quiz. I didn't listen to the warning; my story had a very different ending.
I ask you, could there be a more perfect metaphor? We are about to make a decision. Let me rephrase that. Doubt, anxiety, frustration or anger is about to make it for us. In other words, we are on the verge of choosing the wrong answer. Then, for some reason, we pause for a moment to BREATHE. We get quiet, and in our quiet we hear our Higher Self saying, " I'd re-think that move if I were you." So, we listen. We tune out the noise in our head. We ignore all the other "voices"- the ones that are telling us what we should do, or need to do, or must do. And we tune into the truth. We listen to our heart and allow it to guide us to our answer.
We take Spirit's advice. We re-think that move.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
With LOVE and PEACE and PRAYERS for HEALING, Robin
Just hear the whisper.....
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I have been trying to write a story. I have been trying to put everything that happened on Saturday into words. Until now, the right words have eluded me, but I’m beginning to understand why. I was so focused on the details that I missed the message. I didn’t see the big picture Spirit was showing me. I couldn’t see it, because I was standing in the way.
And just now, my message found me:
I awoke Friday morning to an interview in progress. The clock-radio went on; an author was speaking. She was talking about angels, how she had written over twenty books about them. Then she paused and the interviewer spoke. “I’m sure everyone would love to hear how your first publisher found you,” he said. She was about to tell her story, when I lost the station. Suddenly, all I could hear was static.
Ordinarily, I would have tried to fix the reception. But something told me not to try. Something said, “stay where you are.” “Don’t move.” So, I listened to the whisper.
Eventually, silence broke the static and then the reception returned. The author was speaking. She was talking about a conversation she had had with God. She wanted to know why there had been so many delays, so many disappointments. She wanted to understand why it had taken so long for her dream to happen.
Shortly after this Divine conversation, her “big break” came. “I was in the right place at the perfect time,” she said. “God made it happen.”
I held onto her story. Over and over again, I replayed her words in my head.
The next day, my husband and I were attending a funeral for his uncle. We were late getting to the church; the mass was half-over. So we sat in the back row. As I scanned the room for familiar faces, I was immediately struck by something: I didn’t recognize anyone. I turned to my husband and whispered to him. “I know it’s been a long time, but no one looks familar to me,” I said. “Do you know any of these people?
Looking around, he realized we were in the wrong place.
As discreetly as possible and without saying a word, we both stood up and turned around. In that exact moment, someone I knew walked through the door. It was a friend I hadn’t seen in over a year. I had been thinking about her; she had been thinking about me. “I’ve been meaning to call you,” she said.
“Is this the Miller funeral,” I asked as we hugged.
“No,” she said, “This is the Arena family.”
“We’re at the wrong funeral,” I whispered.
“I’ll call you,” she said.
Eventually, we made it to the right church.
After a lovely mass, John and I joined his family for lunch. A woman I never met before sat directly across from me and introduced herself. I noticed the vest she was wearing. It had an applique of a piano on it.Earlier in the week, at the suggestion of a friend, I had enrolled Thomas in a piano class.
“Are you a pianist,” I asked.
“Yes,” she replied. “I’m a piano teacher.”
“I just signed my son up for piano lessons,” I said.
“That’s wonderful to hear,” she replied. “You know studies are showing how important music is to children- how it stimulates intellectual and creative growth,” she continued.
We had a wonderful conversation. She told me what qualities to look for in a teacher. She said I needed to make sure their teaching style matched my son’s learning style. She reiterated information a dear friend had recently shared with me- a dear friend who is also a piano teacher.
We said our goodbyes and I thanked her for all the helpful information. At the same time, an elderly man made his way across the room and sat in her chair. “So Robin, tell me, how is your book going,” he said.
I didn’t know this man. I had never seen him before. But my husband had met him at the wake. John told me about him, that he had published his first book and was writing another one. He had told John to have me call him. He wanted to tell me how he had found a publisher.
I noticed that this man was wearing two hearing aids.
He was a sweet and gentle soul who wanted to tell me his story. So, I smiled at him and listened. He was a retired teacher, who had devised a method of learning through touch and wrote a book about it. He told me that, although he had received many testimonials from his students, publishers were not impressed.
Then, pulling his chair closer to mine, he said, “But, listen to what happened next.”
He told me had been researching publishers and found one that sounded like a good prospect. He had sent out a query, but received a rejection letter in return. It was one of the kindest, most thoughtful leters he had ever received, he said. The publisher liked his idea, but wasn’t sure it was marketable.
A few months later, the author attended an out of town dinner party. He was visiting friends who lived hundreds of miles from his home. Knowing no one, he decided to strike up a conversation with the man who was seated next to him. The author asked the man what he did for a living. The man told the author he was a publisher.
Not only was he a publisher, but the same publisher who had kindly rejected the author’s work. As it turned out, they became best friends.And the publisher published the book he had originally rejected.
Hugging him, I thanked the author for sharing his story and wished him well. He pointed to his ears and shook his head; he couldn’t hear me. I hugged him again and smiled. By then, everyone was getting ready to leave. So John and I walked outside to say our goodbyes.
As I opened the door, I felt the warmth of the sun. I winked at the sky. Filled with gratitude, I thanked Spirit for a most magical afternoon- for the invitation to dance.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thomas taught me a life lesson over the weekend. But before I tell you about it, I need to set things up for you. It happened on the heels of a conversation I had just had with my fifteen-year- old son, JP. He needed to buy a straightening iron for his hair. His old one broke, and he needed a new one. In other words, he needed me to buy him a new one. So, I made a suggestion. I told him to get a job and pay for it himself.
"Maybe you could do odd jobs for people in the neighborhood," I said.
"Mom there's no way I could come up with that much money that fast," he said. "How am I supposed to make twenty dollars in one day?"
"JP, you're a smart kid," I said. "I'm sure you'll figure it out."
"I doubt it," he said, as he walked out the door.
A few minutes later, my six-year- old, Thomas, appeared beside me.
"Mom, can I use the computer?," he asked. "I need to type some poems."
"Sure, but why do you need to type them," I asked.
"Oh, I'm going to sell them," he said. "That reminds me, could you please print them out for me when I'm done?"
"OK," I said, grateful he had found something constructive to do, not thinking he was really serious.
Following through on his request, I looked at the poems I had printed.
"Honey, these are someone else's poems," I said gently.
"I know, Mom." "Remember, I told you I was going to sell them," he said.
"But I didn't know you were planning on selling poems that belonged to someone else," I said.
"What does that have to do with anything?" he asked.
"Well, it isn't OK to sell someone else's work," I explained. "That would be stealing."
After his short lesson on plagiarism, Thomas ripped up the pages I had printed.
"Great," he said. "Now what am I supposed to do?"
It was then that I came up with an idea. I suggested that he write his own poem. At first he didn't think he knew how. So I told him to look out his window into the backyard. I encouraged him to describe what he saw. As the words flowed, I typed them into the computer.
"I'll need ten copies," Thomas said.
"That's a lot of copies," I replied.
"Actually, I think I'll need more," he answered.
Knowing not to question him further, I honored his request.
Grabbing his papers, his dad, and an empty oatmeal container, he raced out of the house. About an hour later, I heard the front door slam. Then Thomas ran upstairs to give me the good news.
"Mom, I sold all my poems!" "Look," he said, dumping a pile of money on his bed. "I MADE TWELVE DOLLARS!"
Thrilled and beyond amazed, I hugged and congratulated him. It was time for dinner, so I told him to get ready. He told me he wasn't hungry-he wanted to sell more poems. Then, he asked me to walk around the rest of the block with him.
"It's dinner time, Thomas," I said. "People are eating."
"Can we go after dinner," he asked.
"I don't know, Honey," I said.
I was about to offer many excuses when he interrrupted me.
"Nevermind, Mom." "I'll ask Dad to take me," he said.
After dinner, I printed more poems out for Thomas. Then he and his dad went for a walk together. An hour later, they came home. This time JP was with me.
" Mom, I made more money!" Thomas said. "And a teenager gave me six dollars!" "Look, JP," he screamed, showing his big brother everything he had earned. "I MADE TWENTY DOLLARS TODAY!"
I looked at JP without saying one word.
The next day, I asked Thomas how he knew he could sell his poem. His answer is a lesson for us all.
"I just believed that I could," he said.
I was taking a shower when an arrangement of words took center stage in my head. They came from nowhere. They found me when I was thinking of nothing. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with them.
Later that day, while I was mopping the floor, I unraveled the mystery. For a split-second, I saw those same words in my mind. Then, I remembered a dream I had had the night before. I was strapped to a hospital bed. A doctor was injecting me with sodium pentathol. "It will help you sleep better", he whispered. As I continued mopping, I remembered that sodium pentathol was truth serum. Moments later, two quotes I hadn't thought about in years made themselves known: "To thine own self be true" and "The truth shall set you free."
As it turned out, the words that were whispered to me held a profound purpose. Eventually, I wrote a book around them. I wrote and ,little by little, I learned the truth. I began to understand the meaning behind the words that came through me to teach me. Now, twelve years later, I understand why they were given to me.
The book is finished. I'm in the process of finding a publisher. In the meantime, this is my intention- to share with you the life-changing lessons I have learned. So, I'll tell you some incredible stories as we walk this road together. I'm the one with the lantern in one hand and your hand in the other.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
It has taken me fifteen years to answer a question: how does a channel, channel? How do I do what I do? And now I have an answer, because I am beginning to understand the process. It’s very simple, actually. First, I get quiet. Then, I listen. Then, I get out of the way and let Spirit write.
In other words, I do nothing.
That means I cannot even wonder whether I should use a comma or a dash. If I do, the information stops flowing. I stop the flow, because I am questioning the process. How do I know this is true? I’ve had it happen many, many times over the years. Any time I try to edit Spirit’s words in any way, I get edited out of the process. Spirit stops speaking, until I am quiet again.
So, how do I get quiet? I wish I could tell you that I turn off the lights, light candles and sit cross-legged on the floor. But that’s not the way it works for me. I can tell you what does work, though. My definition of meditation is lying in the grass and looking up at the sky, driving through the park at sunset, fishing in the rain…I have also had some very profound moments while sorting socks and mopping the kitchen floor. Truly, any time my mind is quiet, insights and revelations find me. Spirit doesn’t care how it happens.
We are all channels of Truth. We all hold the light of Divine Intelligence within us.Each and every one of us hears Spirit’s voice and interprets it in unique and special ways. We write. We paint. We sculpt. We sing. We walk. We run. We dance.
We get quiet. We listen. We get out of the way. We make room for our own light to find us.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sometimes, it takes more than one breath to remind me to remember. Sometimes, I get sidetracked because I'm exhausted or frustrated or angry- because I'm trying so hard to understand what I don't understand. But, eventually, I remember the truth. Eventually it finds me when I come back HERE to my Higher Self -when I realize I have been holding my breath.
We all go THERE. For half-a second, or half- a day, for month or a year, or ten years...we forget there is a plan. We second-guess ourselves. We start thinking about the "what ifs", the whys, the wheres , the whens and the hows. We wonder when "it" is ever going to happen. We forget that limitless possibilites abound. We forget where our answers are and how to reach for them.
We hold onto the fear because, for a moment, we forget we know the truth.
Then, we take a breath and we remember.
We don't have to understand Spirit's plan. We don't have to know what it is- all the steps involved that will ultimately make "it" happen. We don't have to understand the process- what is happening, or why. All we need to do is trust that "IT" is in the process of finding us.
All we need to do is: take a breath, hold it and say to ourselves, "OK, this must be part of the plan."
p.s. I just went to the basement to take my clothes out of the dryer and discovered it isn't working. I had planned to do laundry. I had planned to get caught up on all the housework I need to do. But I just remembered something my son, Thomas, said to me this morning. I told him I had hurt my back. I told him maybe I should just keep moving around and it will feel better. And he said, "Mom, maybe you just need to relax."
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I remember the silent conversation. It was very clear and to the point. And, at the time, I was sure that someone had made a mistake.
"You are going to write a book, and we are going to help you," they said.
When I say that those words came from out of nowhere, I am not exaggerating. They not only took me by surprise, they nearly made me drop my coffee cup. Still, I listened. I waited to hear the details. I sat in silence, waiting for more words, until I realized that they were waiting for me to "say" something.
"You must have the wrong person", I said. "I haven't written anything in years".
Looking back, I may have said that outloud (twelve years is a long time; the details are little hazy). But, back to the conversation.
"And there's something else you should know"(as if they didn't)." I'm a terrible procrastinator, my follow-through skills are worse, and I'm really, really hard on myself", I said, thinking I had just let myself off the hook.But it wasn't going to be that easy.
"Perfect", they said. And that was all they said. That was the end of the conversation.
That was a long time ago, and we did write that book together. Actually, they wrote the book. They whispered nine chapters worth of spiritual lessons to me., while I took dictation. And when I wasn't learning from them, I was experiencing those lessons in "real life". In fact, every circumstance of my life was teaching me the same lessons. Sometimes I recognized my "teacher". Sometimes I felt like I had wandered into the wrong classroom.Sometimes I wondered what, exactly, had I signed myself up for.
But that was then; and this is now. And now, I'm a different person. Now, I don't have to wonder anymore.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
That means, once we have made our “creation statement” to Spirit, we must step back and let our Higher Self figure out the details. We must let go of needing to control our circumstances, and place the order we have carefully crafted into the most capable hands we know. And then, we must turn around, walk away, close the door and allow Spirit to come up with the perfect plan.
Spirit is our ever-present, creative partner. Every moment of every day, it is creating a reality according to our specific instructions. Spirit knows how to create the reality we have requested. Now, we have to do our part. We have to let go of needing to know the details- the hows and the whens and the whys. We have to surrender all creative control to the Highest part of ourselves. We have to give Spirit time and space to bring the reality we have requested into our physical world.
We have to trust. We have to be patient. We have to know that the reality we desire to create is on its way to us- that, in fact, it is already here.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
We are learning more, because we are becoming more.
Now, when we look at our lives, we are aware that everything in it-everything about it- holds deeper meaning than what is apparent at the surface. And we don’t have to wonder what that is, because we already know. We feel the truth we know in our hearts. And there is no misunderstanding it-no misinterpreting that feeling. It is what it is.
Spirit is speaking; and now, it has our attention. Now, we are listening. Now, we are quiet enough to hear.
Monday, April 21, 2008
“When we desire to attract good into our life, what exactly do we need to do? What statement do we make to the Universe in order to be clearly understood? How do we indicate that we desire to attract abundance in every form? If we could think one thought that would change our entire energy constituency, what thought would that be?Which one would be the most powerful, the most healing, the most life- transforming thought we could think?”
SPIRIT SPEAKS: We must remember our interconnectedness with the whole of the Universe. We must remember that spiritmindbody are one and we are at one with each other. We must also remember that the energy that connects us as one is LIGHT, the everpresent, ever-evolving essence of ALL THAT IS. And the essence of Light is the most powerful energy that is available to us. The essence of light is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
So, that is the answer to the question. That is the thought we think to begin to change the mind. We say I LOVE YOU to the mind. And when we do that, we say that to the soul as well, and we say that to the body, and we say that to the whole of the Universe. Thinking “I LOVE YOU” causes an energy shift to occur. It is more than a thought;it is an intention- a heartfelt desire to heal. And an intention, whether it is a thought in the mind or an action we are taking in physical reality, is an action just the same.
So when we desire to heal ourselves, we set a healing intention in our mind. And our intention permeates all of who we are. Our intention sends a message to the whole of us. Our light-filled desire to heal, travels out into the universe and comes back to us in the form of light-filled things.
When we send light to our thoughts; we transform them. We heal them. We set the intention to heal our lives. When we send light to our thoughts, we let go our our fears.
We allow them to be healed through LOVE.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
My son is six-years-old and we just finished cleaning and rearranging his room. We needed to get rid of his rug. His allergies were acting up. He was having difficulty breathing. So, together as a family, we undertook the project. We cleaned and decluttered and reorganized his space.
We worked hard to make the transformation happen. It was a major undertaking-a process that took much longer than expected. But I knew that tearing out the rug to reveal the hard wood floor underneath held much deeper significance than what was happening on a physical level. I knew that it meant something more. And with this awareness, I was able to be much more patient than usual. I was able to be PRESENT to the process that was unfolding around me.
The transformation happened in stages. First, furniture had to be moved out of his room and into our very tiny hallway.The bed had to be dismantled, and a desk had to be taken apart before we could carry it out the door.Then there was the process of ripping out the old rug. We had to pull it away from the wall, remove the nails that once held it in place and carry it to the road. From there, we had to remove fifteen years worth of dust that had accumulated beneath it so we could wash the floor. Then , once we washed the floor,we had to wait for it to dry before we could move everything back in…
What I thought would take a few hours, ended up taking up an entire Saturday afternoon. Cleaning and decluttering and reorganizing my son’s room took a great deal of time and energy. But, eventually, it happened; we made it happen. In stages, a little at a time, we got rid of the things that had compromised his breathing.
Being present to this experience made me appreciate the transformation process-the processes within the process itself: moving out the old to make room for the new- cleaning, clearing, and rearranging–the letting go of “old things” that compromise our breathing.
Being present to this experience made me aware, that the transformation that was happening around me, was also happening within me.
Friday, April 18, 2008
I know that if someone is complaining to me about their life and everything in it, certain thoughts in my mind belong to that exact same frequency. I understand that if I ask for something in fear or doubt or impatience, I will receive more of the same energy in return. I will receive exactly what I have asked for-more to doubt, more to fear,more to be impatient about…
SPIRIT SPEAKS: AT ALL TIMES, we must remember that what we are experiencing is what we have ASKED to experience. We have ordered the circumstances of our life by knowingly or unknowingly requesting that they materialize in our physical world. Our thoughts have manifested into the things within and around us. And if ever we want our current circumstances to change, all we need to do is change the way we are thinking about them. All we need to understand is that a changed thought changes the mind. And when we change our mind, life will follow our lead.
Resistance is simply the non acceptance of “what is”. It is our complaining and focusing on what is wrong rather than appreciating what is right. And when we spend time and energy focusing on what is wrong with our lives, we dim and darken our vibration. We lower our energy level. We diminish the very power we need to attract the things we desire. Most importantly, we open the door to every THING we do not desire to own. And this only makes us more frustrated, more angry, more resentful, more impatient…In other words, we create more of the noise we don’t want because we are choosing to focus on how noise-filled our lives have become.
We can only attract to us, more of the energy we already are.
So, what thoughts do we think that will change the energy of the mind?What energy do we desire to attract? If we desire to be loved, we must first love ourselves. We must think unconditional and loving thoughts. If we desire to be appreciated, we must first think thoughts of self-acceptance without judgement. If we desire to attract happiness, we must first feed our own souls with GOOD.
We must think in ways that support the health of our Higher Selves.
We must be who we really are.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The Illusion of Fear
Nightmares are only our fears chasing us. Dreams are LIGHT--love, hope and passion in the process of embracing us. If we stopped running from our fears, if we stopped trying to outrun them, we would realize that we are running for no reason. We would see we are running from nothing. We would know that we are wasting our precious time and energy, running in the wrong direction.
If we stopped running and turned around, we would only be facing ourselves.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Power of Light
leave life a little better-feeling than we found it. We must be grateful to have the light that we have. At any given time, there is more than enough light to guide us to good. The secret is in believing this is true. Because in the dark, it is impossible to see the light that is ever-glowing and ever- present within us. It is impossible to see what we do not believe is really there. And the more we do not believe, the more we doubt or question or fear, the more we perpetuate our own darkness-
the darker everything in our world becomes.
We have only to remember to turn on the light-to shine the light we are holding within us-on ourselves. We have only to "lighten up"-to see things more light-heartedly. We have only to embrace the light we are already holding--to not be afraid because we are never alone. We have only to remember that the light of Spirit knows no darkness.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Listening in the Quiet
That may be my favorite quote. My heart understands it;I feel its meaning resonate with my soul's vibration. I know it's the truth. Not only do I believe it, I live my life according to the energy behind those words. It's a powerful reminder to look at my life through Spirit's eyes--to see the REAL story my life is telling me.
That being said, it isn't always easy. Sometimes, life presents a message to us in a dramatic way but fear prevents us from receiving it. It disintegrates while we are trying to analyze it; we lose its meaning in the process of "figuring it out". Deep down we know who we really are, that we are "spiritual beings having a human experience." But how can we embrace the truth when we are holding onto fear? How can we hear it above our self-created noise?
Our answers await us in the silence. That's where they live. That's where they have always lived-deep within the light of our souls. Now, all we need to do is get quiet enough to hear them. All we need to do is listen.
Friday, March 7, 2008
My "Living in the Now" Experiment
Before, in order to quiet myself down, I had to be forced into position. Either I would become ill, or injured. Or, at the very least, I would come down with laryngitis. I would need an excuse to slow down- to stop running around doing things. This is the first time in my life that I have been able to put my foot on the brake without any dramatic promptings from the Universe. This is the first time I have knowingly ASKED for a spiritual lesson, and recognized the "teachers" that are showing up everywhere.
What I have discovered(so far) is that living in THE HERE AND NOW is as simple as BEING in the moment. What does that mean? It means not worrying about yesterday and not focusing on tomorrow. It means the past has passed and the next day hasn't yet arrived; so the only time that truly exists is NOW. And as I focus on exactly where I am, no matter what is happening to me or near me, I can feel the presence of something much, much bigger than my physical self.
I am aware that, with every step I take, Spirit is walking with me; I am not alone. I see where I'm going; I know I am headed in the right direction.
Signs and symbols are everywhere. Not only do I see them, but I immediately understand them. I know what they mean-how they relate to my personal circumstances. I am finding that it is much easier to see truth when there is nothing on the sidelines of my life to distract me. It finds me no matter where I am, as long as I am quiet. Living in the moment has given me peace- the kind of peace that used to find me only once in a while. And in this peace, in this much quieter than ever place in my life, the light shines brighter. I see things much differently from where I am standing. And wherever I am looking, I trust the Truth that is looking back at me.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Awakening in the Light
So we let go of our old things and let in the light. We let go of self-loathing, of not feeling good enough, of not measuring up to artificial standards and contrived ideals. Then, we replace that old energy with self-loving. We begin to realize, bit by bit, piece by piece, a little at a time, that we are responsible for the thoughts that create our lives. We begin to see, little by little, how what we think affects the way we feel. We are aware that there is a connection to our thoughts and feelings. We see that our reality is shaped the way it is, because we shaped it-our energy molded it that way. Our thoughts, good or bad, deemed it to be.
We awaken to the possibilities within the moment, as we begin to see them in ourselves. We hear the noise we were once unaware of, because we are no longer one with it. We feel what noise does to us-body, mind and soul. So we now bring peace to whatever challenge or crisis we are facing. We make THE NOW more peaceful, because we know how much better peace feels than noise. And we become peaceful by breathing Spirit into ourselves-by allowing Spirit to breathe peace into us. We breathe in the music and dance in our own light. We breathe in the light, and there is no longer darkness.
As we release the constricting thoughts and beliefs that once prevented us from breathing, we intentionally invite Spirit in. The more we let go, the more light we let in. The more light we let in, the more spiritually aware we become-the more Spirit's breath expands our soul.
We become enlightened; we understand that it is not possible to see truth in the darkness. It is not possible to access our answers, when there is no light to guide us to them-when we have no idea where we are going. It is only when we are aware of our own light, that we can see the potentials and possibilities that are within us. It is only when we are aware of our own light, that we can access the potentials and possibilities that await us.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Trusting The Truth Within
In the energy of trust, we know our intuitive impulses and impressions are Truth. We understand that we are thinking and acting in ways that support our Highest Self. And as this pure, positive vibration, we are aligned with all other like energies. We attract them to us; we are attracted to them.
So, if we are tuned into the frequency of Truth, we will be attracted to any and all things born from that energy. We send out a positive vibration and positive vibrations find us in return. We intend to attract that which supports us, and soul-supportive energies start showing up everywhere. First, it happens within us; our soul fills with peace. At the same time, positive thoughts offer us tranquility. And our body reacts to this calm, quiet vibration in positive ways as well. We feel good.
As a positive vibration, we are automatically and always tuned into Truth. We recognize it immediately, because it is something we can feel within. It resonates with our heart; it feels right. Truth is the energy that resides within us. It is the essence from which we and all other light energies are born. Truth is LOVE. Truth is TRUST. Truth is COMPASSION. Truth is EMPATHY. Truth is ACCEPTANCE. Truth is PASSION. Truth is JOY and LIMITLESS WELL-BEING.
When we are thinking, intending and behaving according to our truth, we completely trust ourselves because we know who we truly are. It means we understand that Spirit lives within us- that we have an ever present connection. And as long as we nurture that partnership,
the creative possibilities that exist within and around us are infinite.
Feeding light to the soul is the same thing as being the energy of Truth. It is thinking "light" thoughts, rather than dark and heavy ones. It is allowing ourselves to be uplifted, balanced and recharged by our own creative mental process. It is programming the mind in a positive way, or re-programming it-whatever the case may be.
Any light thought aligns us with Truth. Any dark thought disconnects us from it. So we must be consciously aware of the thoughts we are creating and feeding to our minds. This makes all the difference in whether or not we feel good. When we feel good, we can be certain that we are taking good care of ourselves. We can also be certain that, should negativity unexpectedly creep into our space, we know how to regain our balance. In other words, in our positive position, we know how to quickly re-balance ourselves- how to get back into the flow.
Either an energy feels good to us or it doesn't. Either it flows with us or is resistant to our vibration. An energy that makes us feel good, does so because it complements our own inner light. It supports our truth. An energy that clashes with our own has the opposite effect. It "drains" us of our own creative power.
If it doesn't feel good, it isn't good for us. If it doesn't flow,we must let it go.
In the energy of Truth, we can feel whether or not our thoughts, intentions and actions support
us. We know how they feel to our soul. Even if we say one word that doesn't resonate with our light, we know it. It doesn't flow with our energy, because we are aware we are not telling the truth. The awareness of how a thought feels, makes us think twice before we put it into words. We are not as quick to speak-we make sure that what we have to say is positive. We make certain that our words are kind, encouraging, supportive and loving. We pause to make sure that we are not just speaking off the top of our heads- that our words are HEARTFELT--that we believe them.
And as the old adage goes, "if we can't say something good, we say nothing at all."
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Light of Truth
We love ourselves. We love ourselves wholely and completely, exactly as we are. We love ourselves because we recognize our own soul's perfection. We love ourselves because we know we are love itself.
Love is all that is; love is all there is. Nothing else matters; everything else is an illusion.
Love, indeed, is the answer to all our questions. It is how we heal. It is how we become more. It is how we create endless, soul-supportive opportunities, and it is how we light the way for others.
When we see life through loving eyes, we see truth. We see opportunities to be Spirit- to be the unconditional, loving light we truly are. We see souls in need of a smile- souls that are hurting-so we smile at them. We see souls in need of a hug, so we hug them warmly and tenderly.
We see souls in need of love, because we recognize they have temporarily forgotten how to love themselves.
We see love everywhere we are looking. It is the lady in front of us at the supermarket checkout line- she notices we are in a hurry and offers us her space. It is the man who notices we have dropped our wallet-he walks over and hands it to us. It is the soul who has "mistakenly" dialed the wrong number- she wishes us a wonderful day and we don't even know her.
Every moment of every day, we create endless opportunities to love and be loved. And we do this by loving ourselves.
About Me
- robin vella
- Robin Leigh Vella is a spiritual healer and transformation guide. For more than fifteen years, she has been teaching self-empowerment through spiritual awareness. Clairaudient and clairsentient since childhood, Robin left the corporate world to put her spiritual gifts into practice. In 1992, with encouragement from family and friends, she began working as a psychic. Over the next few years, Robin conducted readings in person and by phone. During that time, referrals steadily expanded her clientele. By 1996, she had counseled hundreds of people, throughout the United States as well as overseas. In response to unmistakable promptings from the Universe, Robin eventually made a career change. Recognizing the need to offer her clients more than psychic guidance, she opened her healing practice with the intention of teaching spiritual awareness. Today, Robin helps people understand their personal circumstances from a higher perspective. At the same time, she teaches them how to heal and transform their lives. Robin offer half hour and one hour private spiritual counseling sessions by phone. For details, please contact her via email: