Discovering Spiritual Awareness in Everyday Life

Friday, April 18, 2008


It’s amazing how we can become caught up in noise and not even know it. We hear it as other people’s noise. We try to blame THEM for our unhappiness. But what is really happening is that the Universe is giving us a glimpse of our own reflection. And we are doing everything in our power not to look.

I know that if someone is complaining to me about their life and everything in it, certain thoughts in my mind belong to that exact same frequency. I understand that if I ask for something in fear or doubt or impatience, I will receive more of the same energy in return. I will receive exactly what I have asked for-more to doubt, more to fear,more to be impatient about…

SPIRIT SPEAKS: AT ALL TIMES, we must remember that what we are experiencing is what we have ASKED to experience. We have ordered the circumstances of our life by knowingly or unknowingly requesting that they materialize in our physical world. Our thoughts have manifested into the things within and around us. And if ever we want our current circumstances to change, all we need to do is change the way we are thinking about them. All we need to understand is that a changed thought changes the mind. And when we change our mind, life will follow our lead.

Resistance is simply the non acceptance of “what is”. It is our complaining and focusing on what is wrong rather than appreciating what is right. And when we spend time and energy focusing on what is wrong with our lives, we dim and darken our vibration. We lower our energy level. We diminish the very power we need to attract the things we desire. Most importantly, we open the door to every THING we do not desire to own. And this only makes us more frustrated, more angry, more resentful, more impatient…In other words, we create more of the noise we don’t want because we are choosing to focus on how noise-filled our lives have become.

We can only attract to us, more of the energy we already are.

So, what thoughts do we think that will change the energy of the mind?What energy do we desire to attract? If we desire to be loved, we must first love ourselves. We must think unconditional and loving thoughts. If we desire to be appreciated, we must first think thoughts of self-acceptance without judgement. If we desire to attract happiness, we must first feed our own souls with GOOD.

We must think in ways that support the health of our Higher Selves.
We must be who we really are.

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Robin Leigh Vella is a spiritual healer and transformation guide. For more than fifteen years, she has been teaching self-empowerment through spiritual awareness. Clairaudient and clairsentient since childhood, Robin left the corporate world to put her spiritual gifts into practice. In 1992, with encouragement from family and friends, she began working as a psychic. Over the next few years, Robin conducted readings in person and by phone. During that time, referrals steadily expanded her clientele. By 1996, she had counseled hundreds of people, throughout the United States as well as overseas. In response to unmistakable promptings from the Universe, Robin eventually made a career change. Recognizing the need to offer her clients more than psychic guidance, she opened her healing practice with the intention of teaching spiritual awareness. Today, Robin helps people understand their personal circumstances from a higher perspective. At the same time, she teaches them how to heal and transform their lives. Robin offer half hour and one hour private spiritual counseling sessions by phone. For details, please contact her via email: