Discovering Spiritual Awareness in Everyday Life

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Listening to the Whisper of Truth

Spiritual messages are wherever we are. Every moment of every day, they are within our reach. They tell us whether or not we are walking in the right direction. They tell us whether or not we are at peace or in noise. They tell us whether or not we are honoring our truths. They tell us everything we need to know.

But, are we really listening? Are we ready to hear the stories the universe is telling us. Or is fear standing in the way, preventing us from knowing the truth?

There is only one way to recognize a whisper. We must be quiet enough to hear it. We must eliminate every noise-producing thing in our head in order to know the answer our soul is holding.

Aligning ourselves with Spirit is the only way we can understand what the universe is trying to tell us. Being quiet is the only way to recognize the whisper of truth- the spiritual messages that are all around us.

When we make ourselves quiet, we become one with the energy of limitless possibilities. The things we desire to know and decisions we need to make become clear to us; there is no noise to compromise the knowing of truth.

When we make ourselves quiet, we can see what we need to see and hear what we need to hear. We are aware that Spirit is speaking to us. We understand that when answers suddenly appear out of nowhere, they are to be accepted, not analyzed. We appreciate that they are Divine.

In quiet, the whisper becomes audible; we hear our heart speaking to us. As we walk the path of Truth, we recognize spiritual guidance. We are able to identify and trust the messages that are finding us every step of the way. We feel peaceful knowing that we are headed in the right direction. We feel at ease, knowing we are never alone. We realize that we are continually being guided to Good.

Our answers live within each and every one of us. When we are ready to know them, they will surface in the physical world. Our heart is always telling us the truth. Our soul is always guiding us in the right direction. Let go of the doubts. Let go of the resentments. Let go of the past; let go of the noise.

Breathe. Be quiet. Listen. Recognize the whisper.

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About Me

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Robin Leigh Vella is a spiritual healer and transformation guide. For more than fifteen years, she has been teaching self-empowerment through spiritual awareness. Clairaudient and clairsentient since childhood, Robin left the corporate world to put her spiritual gifts into practice. In 1992, with encouragement from family and friends, she began working as a psychic. Over the next few years, Robin conducted readings in person and by phone. During that time, referrals steadily expanded her clientele. By 1996, she had counseled hundreds of people, throughout the United States as well as overseas. In response to unmistakable promptings from the Universe, Robin eventually made a career change. Recognizing the need to offer her clients more than psychic guidance, she opened her healing practice with the intention of teaching spiritual awareness. Today, Robin helps people understand their personal circumstances from a higher perspective. At the same time, she teaches them how to heal and transform their lives. Robin offer half hour and one hour private spiritual counseling sessions by phone. For details, please contact her via email: